Stay Fit Stay Happy
Green Fit is designed to satisfy the fitness crazy people and encourage the lazy ones to start taking fitness seriously. Fitness is not a fashion statement but a necessity. A healthy body encourages healthy mind which further forms a healthy society. Our eco-friendly and dynamically designed equipments encourage exercising and balance life happily. Our products assure complete value for the users’ time and money and are safe for all age groups. Green fit equipments come with multiple advantages such as stretch pole, arm stretch, back stretch, and leg stretch helps in stretching and for warm-ups with focus on specific regions where as Horizontal Ladder, Push up, Chin ups for more hard core exercise. The products are designed considering different lifestyles such as Hip Twist, Sky Walker, and Virtual Stepper controls cardiovascular fitness, Air-bikes, Arm Spin, Bicep curls, Arm Raise, Waist Twist, Hand Cycle and other. Fitness equipments boost confidence of people by giving them a toned and healthy body with and fresh mind.
Green Fit also provides signage for a user friendly ambience of fitness centers, etc. Our variety consist basic design with straight and stiff stanched signage, dynamic designs with the slant, Central Signage with triangular stand, and Pro-Signage with side-views for more convenience.